How Was Your Day, Kid?

Sentimental thoughts from the school pick-up line.


The sight of my Kindergartener running from her classroom, curls bouncing in the air, and a smile on her face gives me all the life I need.

As she jumps into my arms, every bit of worry leaves my body.

I hold her, and she squeezes my neck. I sure do love school pick-up.

You see, inside those four walls, she’s got her own world. One filled with friends I don’t know and jokes I don’t understand.

As a parent, the unknown can be scary, but it’s something I aim to accept.

For hours each day, my girl is developing her sense of self and direction as best a five-year-old can. She’s navigating playground dynamics and learning to advocate for herself.

In the classroom, she’s learning how to read and paint pictures. I’ve seen them, and they’re perfect!

She’s even taking turns feeding their tiny pet fish. I think we may need to get one of our own.

It’s a brand new chapter in our lives, but the story is just as perfect as the last.

When I release her from my grip, holding her hand as we cross the street, I ask, “How was your day, kid?”

Sometimes I get a monologue. On other days, it’s a one-word answer. Either way, what a joy it is to be this close to her development, enjoying the best seats in the house.

One day, she won’t remember much about Kindergarten. I know I barely remember mine. But to me, this year will be a season to remember, marked by the beginning of a journey that’ll lead her to wonder and purpose.

She won’t always be this excited to see me, and that’s okay. Kids rarely are as they get older. Though for as long as I live, I will always remember how my daughter jumped for joy when she saw my face.


My day is made in an instant, and all is right with my world.

“Let’s go home, babe. Tell me about your day…”

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